Thursday, December 30, 2010

An update...

So, this pregnancy is kicking my butt for sure! I was so blessed with Landons pregnancy, I think I may have been sick two days out of the whole 9 months. This baby is fiesty, I've been sick non-stop for weeks now. Not a good combination with 3 kids of my own and then some. On top of that, I have a cold and am recovering from a stomach bug, can it get much better? LOL I'm praying this passes SOON! On the upside, only one more week than I have my ultra sound and will finally know just how far along I am, it would be amazing if I was farther than I thought, but given the size of my belly I'm thinking Im right on track lol :)

So this week has been a blessing in disguise, My sickest week yet and I only had one day full of extra kiddos. For their sake and my own, it was the perfect timing! My kids alone were a handful ( as always) this week. Mr. Landon is into EVERYTHING now. He's quick too. I think I have to agree with my Mom that he is certainly a "Playpen baby". Something I plan on purchasing SOON. yesterday he managed to find his way into the toilet at least 3 times ( both with dirty and clean water at times, YUCK!) , spilt and entire glass of my juice (on himself and the floor), knocked over my huge vase several times while pulling out the plugs to the T.V. and Wii, which in turn, turned off the kids movies each time ( and the process of restarting the Netflix on the Wii is not a short one lol), pulled all my laundry off the bed after I had folded it, and so on... Monster in the making?? The funny part about it is no matter what he is doing, he always has that jolly look on his face as if theres not a care in the world, and moves on to the next task at hand. He's definitely my curious George hahaha

D.J. has turned into the typical two year old....I remember Kyleigh being so bad I was usually in tears at least once throughout the week. He's at that point now. His temper is insane, he's defiant, throws things or hits me when he is angry, the potty training has been both good and bad. When he wants to be lazy he goes in his pants, yet when he goes to the bathroom he usually dumps his head in the toilet or fills it up with en entire roll of toilet paper...disgusting?? Yes very LOL I totally forgot to put a diaper on him last night, and sure enough, he's not potty trained at night! Wet the whole bed by midnight... He also has an obsession with climbing over the baby gates, even though he gets spanked for it, he refuses to listen. Today he learned the hard way ( while giving Mommy a heart attack) that he shouldnt climb them. He attempted to climb over the one at the top of the stairs, it fell over and he tumbled down the staircase... my heart is still in my throat. On the other hand, the boy has the BEST imagination already :) He can play by himself forever, pretending to shoot down the bad guys, racing his cars, an so on. Hes a creative little booger, and full of laughs. Hes definitely got his Daddy's sense of humor, and I love it. He's one goofy kid! :)

Kyleigh has calmed down drastically this past few months, but now we are onto another stage....antagonizing. She LOVES to get under her brothers skin. Taking his toys and flaunting that she has it so she can upset him. refusing to share her own toys with him, locking him out of his room or downstairs. If theres a way to upset him, she finds it. Shes also big on arguing. If it doesnt make sense to her, she will argue with you until you are forced to give her a red behind. It drives me crazy, but one day it really will be a good thing. Shes very smart and logical and she questions everything which is exactly how she should be....except with her parents LOL Shes little susie homemaker already, just like her mommy always was. :) She loves to help with the babies, do the dishes and laundry, and pretend to do everyhting Mommy does. Shes really into her baby dolls right now, and its so sweet to watch her play with them, she uses the same terms and actions that shes sees me doing all the time. Its like a mini me walking around. :)  When she wants to be, shes very sweet. Whenever i dont feel good, she always tells me to lay down so she can rub my belly and we can watch a movie together. its the sweetest thing. :)

All in all, most days I find it hard to see the "joyful" side of parenting, I'm not gonna lie. But my husband lovingly reminds me that they are JUST KIDS, and when i try and keep that persective and look at the GOOD in each day, however little it may be (lol) they really are such blessings. I wouldnt have it any other way, although....spacing them apart just a little more might have been a good idea ... but what do ya do :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Crutch?

This was my Daily Bread devotional this morning....I thought it was a good one to share :)

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed. —2 Corinthians 4:8
Have you ever heard skeptics say that the Christian faith is nothing more than a crutch—that the only reason people claim to trust Jesus is that they are weaklings who have to make up “religion” to get by?
Apparently those skeptics haven’t heard about the doctor in one Far Eastern country who spent 2 ½ years in jail being “reeducated” because he professed faith in Christ. Then, after his release, he was arrested again—this time for his efforts at his church.
And perhaps those skeptics haven’t heard about Paul. After trusting Christ, he was arrested, flogged, mocked, and shipwrecked (2 Cor. 11:16-29).
These believers were not looking for a crutch. No, they had something deep and essential in their hearts. They had a personal relationship with God—a relationship born of faith in the work of Jesus on the cross. As a result, they became children of the King—eager to sacrifice everything for the privilege of proclaiming Him. They were not limping along looking for something to hold them up.
A crutch? Hardly. Faith in Christ is not about safety and caution. It’s about believing Jesus and trusting Him no matter what. It’s about taking up a daily cross (Luke 9:23) and living for the Savior. —Dave Branon

“Take up your cross,” the Savior said,
“If you would My disciple be;
Take up your cross with willing heart
And humbly follow after Me.” —Everest

Because Jesus bore the cross for us, we willingly take it up for Him.