Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Birthday Message for my Main Squeeze

Today is my sweet hubby’s 28th birthday… and of course on special holidays I must get all sappy and dote on my man, that’s just how us Horton’s roll. ;) Yesterday, I shared with Dave a post that had caught my eye on Facebook titled, “10 things every husband needs to hear”.  As I read through the 10 things we had a good laugh at several of them because in the beginning of our marriage, I definitely did not vocalize (or feel) these particular statements toward my “young” husband. However, I thought today was a great opportunity to make sure he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that each one is true. So here are the 10 things my husband needs to know:

1. I believe in you: I may not have felt this way in the beginning, by it only took a couple years to recognize what a talented, hardworking, smart, and driven man you are and you have proven time and again that you can do whatever you put your mind to. I believe in you, I believe in the man you are and the man God has called you to be. You can do anything you set out to do not only because you are able, but even more so because the God you love and serve is completely capable.

2. I value your leadership: It was incredibly difficult for me to step down and let you take the reins of this family. I like to be in control, but I have come to truly rest in your leadership over our family. I trust you, I trust your judgment, and I trust your heart for the Lord and for each one of us. I love that you are the one leading us, and I will follow you wherever God calls you to go.

3. I admire you: That is an understatement. I admire you, I respect you, and I look up to you in so many ways. You are so strong, so selfless, and so driven. You have been such an inspiration these last 8 years, and I think the world of you as a person: as a man of God, as a husband, as a father, as a friend, and as a worker.  You are amazing.

4. I feel safe with you: Despite the fact that we have several fire arms, knives, and even a police baton thanks to your dad lol, I feel safe with YOU. I know you are always watching out for us and always keeping an eye out for any sign of danger. I feel safe with you in respect to the physical fears of this world, but I also feel safe with you spiritually. Your faith guards our home, our hearts, and our family unit.
5. You were right, I was wrong: Ok, this is actually 9 things every husband wants to hear because we all know I am always right. This is just a fact and will remain so until the day I die. ;)
6. I appreciate all you do for our family: Yes, yes, yes. I wish there was a better way to word this, but know that all your efforts, sacrifice, and hard work are recognized and beyond appreciated. We are so thankful for you and for all you have given to us and done for us.

7. I’m glad I married you: God has blessed us beyond belief in our marriage. Statistically we should not have made it this far, but God is so good and so much bigger than the “odds”. I love you more now than I ever have, and that love continues to grow with every year we are blessed to have together. I could not imagine being married to anyone else, you are my best friend!

8. I missed you: how often have we said that lately? Oh how I do miss you in the midst of our crazy schedules. I am thankful for the moments we get together, and I look forward to the time we will have after December when you finally kiss school good bye! ;)

9: Thank you for being dependable: This is such a great word to describe you. I know you will never bail on us, never bail on your responsibilities.  No matter how hard it gets, you have proven to be dependable, steadfast, and have persevered through each grueling minute. Thank you for that, because it is a RARE quality anymore!

10. You’re an awesome man of God: The word awesome is kinda lame here LOL but You are an amazing testimony to God and His faithfulness. Your faith has been inspiring over the years and I have so loved watching your relationship with Him grow deeper and deeper as each year and circumstance passes. Thank you for not giving into the world but continuing to keep your eyes heavenward. What a difference it truly makes to be equally yoked, I can’t imagine not having that piece of our relationship, it is the glue that has kept us together.

So here we are, 11 years together, 8 ½ years of marriage, 5 kids, we bought a house, and you are FINALLY wrapping up that stupid degree!! 4 more weeks and you can say you are DONE, and you did it all before the age of 30. ;) I Love you baby and I am so proud of you, in more ways than I could ever say! I hope you have an amazing birthday and I pray God blesses us with many more together!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!