Monday, August 29, 2011

The Daily Chaos

So I've found myself asking God the same question a lot lately, and that is "Why did You choose crying to be the source of communication from babies??" Have you ever wondered that? was it too part of the curse of Eve?? It has to be...because it can be described as nothing less than a curse. lol it has to be the most exhausting, nerve rattling sound out least after hearing it for hours, days, and years on end. And with "stair step" kiddos and babysitting, its become my theme song. Seriously... someone is crying no matter what I am doing these, cleaning, changing diapers, putting on shoes, giving someone a bath, unloading groceries, etc. etc... I should start runnng around with a cape from now on everytime someone starts to scream LOL. After all this time I've been able to tune it out, to the point of frustration for my kids :)But this past weekend, i dont know what it is, but the crying has pushed me to my breaking limit! I think i severely need my gym time... OH how i cant WAIT to get back in the gym.., just 3 more weeks then i get that amazing hour and half of peace, all to myself! yay! Yay for me, and yay for my poor kids!!! LOL

An update on Looney Landon... Landon has discovered he can remove his diaper... far before I would even consider potty training him. I know its do-able, but doing it at 2 1/2 is hard enough, so 19 months is a sure NO GO in my book lol But the little booger took it off all day yesterday, ran around the yard with his bare butt all afternoon, but managed to come inside and pee right by my fridge, then head back outside. ( hes so considerate ;) ). he also is climbing out of the tub everytime i give him a bath now. and yesterday, he go out, peed on the bath mat, then got back in. ( hes like a dog...marking his territory) He is also climbing out of his crib, yet another thing im not ready to move him on to...a toddler bed with that boy would be a disaster, so its a matter of rearranging his room, whenever i get a free minute! He climbs out of the bed, onto the dresser, and dumps all the diapers out of the basket and throws all the stuffed animals on the floor... pretty much every day.. i really should get cracking on fixing that problem, eh? :P he also knows ho to get out of his seatbelt in a shopping restraining him from standing up when at the store...not possible. Makes for a very FUN shopping trip, that I can assure you! Anways, onto the rest of the clan...

Today's chaos was the norm... We managed to do our pre-school, but not without Landon's usualy dumping and eating of the crayons and markers, stealing the big kid's books and papers, standing on the table, screaming at me to take something, crying over something not going his way, etc...etc... its a blast trying to do pre-school with 3 kids and a monster toddler lol The big kids are "exhausted" after one assigment lol well, the boys are, Kyleigh would do school work all day, thats just her personality :) The boys scribble a line and say, " can we take a break?" LOL a break?? from...coloring? why yes, i agree, it is quite strenuous using those chubby little hands for anyhting other then racing cars and beating each other up, what on earth was I thinking! :) Anyways... the after pre-school drama was a little more chaotic... I told the kids to play while i nursed Hayden first... but then, Zoey wakes up and is crying ( she was poopy, of course!). Then the Kyleigh and D.J. are fighting over toys in the hall way ( screaming and yelling like they were plotting each others death). And Landon is ripping the gate down from the wall ( and was succesful). So, i finish up with Hayden, lay her down on the couch and go to put the shoes on the kiddos and change Zoey... Hayden starts screaming, im getting asked a million questions, Jonas has to pee, and Zoey is also wailing in the background. "ok... breathe", are the words i often find myself saying over and over throughout the day. So i take jonas to the bathroom, get all their shoes on...change Zoeys diaper, grab Hayden and put her in the moby wrap, and out the door we go... ( such an ordeal to go into the backyard, isnt it?) :) We have successful playing for a while, then its time for some lunch! I let them play in the yard while i make lunch, (watching them from the window jsut for the record lol). It all "looks" peaceful... Kyleigh comes in and I let her make the mac n cheese... she loves to be the little Mama :) then D.J. comes in crying...with a nice big WET stain down his pants, saying "I pooped myself!" Here we go again! not sure whats going on with this, my perfectly potty trained 3 year old has gotten lazy these past few weeks and doesnt want to take time out to go to the bathroom... sure enough he had peed and pooped himself, woo hoo! yay me! lol So i clean him up, call in the troops and feed them some lunch. Then we head back outside for some "car racing" down the hill before naptime. everyone went down fairly smoothly, praise the Lord! now here i sit, planning where to start in this house before they all wake up and we start all over again :) Maybe some time in the Word first would be great, huh? get myself refreshed!lol Oh I know one day I will look back and miss all of this, its hard to see it now, but Im trying to savor the fact that they all want Mommy right now because one day, they least for a little while :P So with that said, im gonna get to work so i can enjoy some play time with my babies before study tonight! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! :)

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