Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This week's highlights

I had a few fun quotes to share, so rather than make several statuses i put them on here :)

D.J.: "Mama, I'm sorry Hayden was sick and we had to take her to the doctor's" Me: "Aww its ok, shes not sick, they just wanted to give her a check-up." D.J.: "Well, I'm sorry she had a lot of snots."

Kyleigh: "Mommy, my tummy doesn't feel very good." Me: "I know sweetie, I think you have a stomach bug." Kyleigh: (pause) "No....I dont think there is a bug in my tummy, I just think I'm sick."

D.J.: "Kyleigh, why are you getting the cars for me?" Kyleigh: "Because I want someone to bring them back so we can do it again." D.J. "Cause you are being nice?" Kyleigh: "Ummm....yeah....sure." D.J."And you want to play with me?" Kyleigh :"uh huh" D.J.: "And not Landon?" Kyleigh: "Yup." D.J.: "Wow, that's great."

Kyleigh (picking up her toys in the living room after I asked them to) "Mama, we are 'serving one another in love' right?" - that was their memory verse a few weeks ago :)

And my personal favorite is the fact that Kyleigh voluntarily folded the laundry for me (which most of  you knew) and today as I was putting clothes away in the boys room, I discovered that D.J. had taken his jeans off after we got home today, folded them, and put them in his drawer.... man, thank you Lord for those small moments where you feel like you may actually be doing SOMETHING right! :) love my sweet babies

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A taste of humility

I came to the realization recently, that apart from the first 5 months of Kyleigh's life, I have never had JUST my children nor have I ever gone a time without at least two kids being the same age. Here is a break down of the past 5 years:

1: two babies under 1, a 4 year old and a 6 year old.
2: two babies under 1 and two 1 year olds.
3: one baby under 1, two 1 year olds, and two 2 year olds.
4: three babies under 1, two 2 year olds, and one 3 year old.
5: two babies under 1, one 1 year old, 3 two year olds, and a 4 year old.
6. one baby under 1, one 2 year old, two 3 year olds, and a 4 year old.

When I sat down and really processed that information, my eyes started filling up with tears. No wonder I'm exhausted and my nerves are shot. For the past 5 years I have done nothing but change numerous diapers, clean up bodily fluids of all sorts, wipe snotty noses and care for sick kids, pick up hundreds of toys, bathe, clothe, feed, discipline, correct and teach X 4 + kids at a time. There were times where I remember changing 4 to 5 stinky diapers at once, feeding two babies at the same time, breaking up fights while holding a screaming baby, and grabbing an "off limits" item from another's hand. On top of that, through it all I have always been pregnant or nursing. The continuous attention needed throughout a day with that many dependent little ones is, for lack of a better word, exhausting.  I think back over it all and am so incredibly humbled because there is without a doubt, NO way I would have made it through these years without the amazing grace and strength of my loving Father. He knew what we needed financially, and allowed a way for me to stay home with my babies and still bring in an income, but without His constant hand in my life I would have never made it this far! I've had my share of mental breakdowns along the way, which goes to show I would have been placed in padded room by now had it not been for the Lord! I am also convinced that He used this time to help me grow spiritually, because as I have said before, nothing shapes one to be more like Christ than children!! :) I am thankful for the past 5 years and the realization of my inability to endure without complete dependence upon my God. I am weak, and you are strong oh Lord. Without you I can do nothing, but with you I can do all things! Thank you Lord for this time of growth and maturity, as well as the nice slap in the face to my pride... With a very independent and "dominant" personanlity, I am thankful for the opportunities God provides to show me I am no longer independent but 100% dependent on the grace and mercy of my Father in heaven!