Thursday, August 21, 2014

A proud wife

So Dave filled out his application to graduate last week.. I can't even express how surreal that is. We both started college when we were 18, and we are both STILL IN COLLEGE. Just so everyone has a clear idea of how long it has been... he is 27, I am 28.... 10 years ya'll, 10 years of trying to get a dang bachelors degree! 3 jobs, 5 moves, and 5 babies later, it's finally happening...well at least for one of us. ;) I am over flowing with pride for my husband. Most have no idea the journey it has been for him to get here. The patience, the endurance, the strength and perseverance he has shown to finish this long and grueling process.

We had a rough start to begin with. We were pregnant with our first child and only 19 and 20 years old. He was a manager at Golden corral working 55-60 hour weeks and very late nights. The first year of our marriage we spent most nights up until 2 or 3 in the morning playing Texas Hold-em (or watching it played on T.V.), because it took a while for him to wind down. After Kyleigh was born, we both knew the hours and life of a restaurant manager just wouldn't work with our family. So, my amazing man of faith, left a job with the promise of a $50-60,000 income in the next few years if he had stayed, and started a job at 84 lumber. He absolutely hated this job. A month later, I remember him coming home and telling me he couldn't stay there anymore and he was going to quit. He had nothing lined up, just the hopes of landing a job at Liberty, so I of course tried to "persuade" him,( yeah, I was yelling), to stay until he had another job in place. In the end, he quit the job that day and spent the next week working out the details to get into Liberty. I wanted to beat him. However, his faith was far greater than mine at the time, and I'm thankful it was! God had him show up at just the right time, speak to just the right guys, and by the end of the week he had a job in the Access Control Department. I still look back in amazement at the whole situation... it is not easy to get a job there unless you know someone, and it's even harder without a degree. God was leading.

With this job came free schooling for the both of us, a HUGE blessing. However, his starting pay was $9 an hour... I was babysitting for supplemental income and we were expecting our second child. Talk about being a little tight. ;) But God has continued to provide over and over again. He worked in a very stressful position for the next several years, and acquired the max amount of allowed overtime every week which ended up being 50-54 hour weeks. We had our next 3 babies while he was at that job, and he continued to push through his schooling the whole time, with very few breaks in between. There were several lengthy periods of time when he would even load up his lap top and do his homework while sitting at the plasma center twice a week just to cover the bills. When many men would have asked their wives to go to work and possibly double the income, he made it possible for me to be home with our kids, no matter the cost. He has done without so much, spending most of his earnings to simply take care of his family. While most of his 20 something buddies were talking about weekend trips, golfing, lifting, watching sports, hunting, etc... he was busting his tail to provide for his family and finish school. But he didn't complain. He would definitely dream of the days he'd be able to join them, but he was determined to finish. In the midst of it all, he still had to be a dad and husband. But he has fulfilled those roles with ease and grace. He is an amazing father and husband, and has never made any of us feel slighted no matter how exhausted, stressed, or overwhelmed he may have felt at times.

So here we are. The final stretch and of course he is going out with a bang by doubling up his online classes for the final semester of school. It is going to be a long and tiresome finish, but I know he can and will do it. I am unbelievably proud of him. I have always admired him, but the pride I feel for him after being by his side the past 8 years is indescribable. I married an amazing man, a man of integrity, grit, and diligence. Above all, he is a man of God, and I have watched his faith grow and mature year after year as he fought his way to this point. I am thankful for his sacrifices, thankful for his love and perseverance, and just simply thankful for him. I am also thankful this phase is almost over, for everyone's sake! lol He has mentioned a masters on several occasions, and I am sure he will pursue it, but for now, we will enjoy this incredible accomplishment! He has earned it. ;) I am so proud of you honey, and I grow to love you more with every day God blesses us with!! Here's to another 10 years of schooling, haha!

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