Tuesday, December 6, 2011


As I'm sitting here feeding my plump little girl, with her rolls and double chin, watching her chow down on her rice cereal, the thought crossed my mind that there are millions of parents around the world that, rather than stare at a healthy fat baby, they are staring in desperation at their starving, sickly thin babies. At that moment, the line, "as we dream, by the fire" sounds from the radio, and my mind wanders to the cold reality that we are so blessed in this country while millions are suffering. We have songs that sing about our warm cozy sweet memories by the fire at Christmas time, as we watch the snow outside, free to enjoy it because of our well heated homes. Millions around the world are starving, freezing and begging for even a bite of food or temporary relief from their unbearable situations. And we are preparing for a holiday that has turned into nothing more than a time to put ourselves in more debt, accumulate more unnecessary items, and suffer more unneeded stress. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE spoiling those I love like anyone else, nothing is sweeter than watching my babies' faces light up on Christmas morning at the sight of the mountain of gifts under the tree. However, the more I grow spiritually, and the more i become aware of the grave situation around the world, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly guilty. The point of this "holiday" is the birth of our Savior. The greatest gift of all. Christ was born so He could give up His life to provide us with eternal hope, joy and peace. To pave the way, the only way, to be with our Father. And His one command before he left was, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20 Here we are, enjoying not only the temporary pleasures in this life, but knowing that the eternal treasures are awaiting us. He also told us to love, to care for the broken and lost. THAT is the meaning behind Christmas, not the presents, the music, the traditions, but to share Christ's love and reach a dying world. We may not be able to help the situation many are in in this life, but we can be God's vessels to help them find peace in the life that really matters.  It was heavy on my heart this morning and I thought I'd share! I pray we can keep this perspective, though contrary to popular belief, Christmas is about CHRIST, and about sharing His precious gift! 

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