Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Takes the Cake

Ok, so this morning we had a story that by far takes the cake in the Freyre house! I was in D.J.'s room making up with him after disciplining him, and within a few minutes Kyleigh, Jonas and Landon were all in there with us. I'm cuddling with D.J. when all of a sudden i hear the door shut and Kyleigh says with a big grin on her face, "I locked us in!" I look at her thinking she must be joking, and say "no you didnt....did you?" kyleigh: "yes I did, see!" as she tries to open the door. Sure enough it was locked ( if you havent figured it out yet, the door locks from the outside, why they did it that way, I dont know, but after this you better believe it will be fixed!) So  i sit, and digest the fact that I am locked in a room full of only toys, with four kids, my infant is alone in my room, and there  is a pizza cooking in the oven... every window in the house is locked and all the main doors are locked as well... this is what we call, "screwed!" So im not gonna lie, i was a little freaked out, because when you dont have the money to fix a door if you bust it down, its not the best solution! But i had very little time to think of something and absolutely nothing but plastic toys to use to try and get us out. So, i decide to climb out of the window and try to use a neighbors phone... not sure what good that will do because of course today is the day that my husband is at Virginia tech for the day, with our only spare house key... My neighbors across the street are out, and so i venture on over to Faye, my elderly next door neighbor. I use her phone, but no one could help... she calls another neighbor, Jimmy, who is also elderly, to come and try and help us. Mind you, i havent officially met either of these neighbors yet, so im feeling pretty bad that the first time i meet them is under these circumstances! :P he comes over, and the poor man climbs through my son's window. At this point, Jonas is hysterical, Hayden is screaming in the other room and the timer on my oven is going off...and has been for quite a while now. In the end, he is able to get the hinges off the door and let us into our home, PRAISE THE LORD. However, im ruined for the day because now my stomach is in knots, our pizza was burnt and the kids are extra wild as a result. Oh Lord... thank you for good neighbors, and thank you for nap time, im counting down the minutes because im going to need that time to recoup!!

1 comment:

  1. And it was raining today! You poor dear!!! Bless you! I hope your afternoon is much much better! Though I am glad you wrote this down! It is one for the books definitely!
