Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Truth Behind Mother's of Multiples

I have had some fun discussions with my mommy friends lately. Those conversations where you are like, "Thank you Lord that I am not the only crazy one!" :) I thought I'd share some of the highlights with you other Mama's who live the same "Relaxed" lifestyle and need some affirmation. So here we go:

Topic One: A clean house

We all agreed, who has time to keep their house immaculate? When you have more than one young child, keeping a clean house is nearly impossible if you intend to have quality time with your little ones and hubby. I know some women are able to do this, and I am in awe of them! But most of us fail to keep our houses in "proper" order. We are lucky if our homes get picked up regularly, the dishes are done and there are clean clothes to wear. if those three things are accomplished, we are satisfied! the group of Mommies I was talking to all agreed, we generally either wear socks or shoes in the house for fear of what may be on our floors... don't worry, before you get all freaked out and think we are disgusting slobs, it only takes one meal or one trip outside to produce filthy floors in a house full of little ones. If you were to step foot in my own kitchen after one of our meals, you would be amazed at the small feast that covers the floor surrounding my kitchen table. We all agreed however, its worth living in the mess if it means more time with the family! :)

Topic Two: Our children's appearances

Clean children, matching clothes, styled hair... if you were to look at any of our kids, you would assume they were "free spirited" children based on their appearances. My one friend and I agreed, we are lucky our daughters get their hair brushed most days, styling it? my version of styling is slapping Kyleigh's hair in a pony tail. Matching clothes? ok, maybe for church, but most days, they dress themselves so we are lucky the clothes they choose match the season or size, if the colors match it is by Divine intervention. Most days D.J. is wearing size 2T basketball shorts... he is a size 6. But he loves those shorts, and of all the battles I choose to fight, that is the least of them so out he goes in his short shorts! Besides, you have way more fun seeing the reactions of outsiders when they see our goofy looking clans with their dirt and jelly smeared faces, nappy hair, and leopard print pants and polka dot shirts out in public. Judge away, because you can't deny they are all happy as can be! :) Which leads into topic number 3....

Topic Three: Bathing

One kid is easy to bathe daily...but beyond that, most of us will admit we HATE bathing them and postpone it as long as we can! Spring and summer are hard, they get pretty filthy... but even then, it just depends on how filthy. I will leave this one with my favorite quote of the year thus far by my friend, " When i realize their hair is kind of crusty, I think, it's probably time for a bath." LOL

These were the three highlights of our conversations recently, and they make me smile even writing them. I would have never dreamed I would let so many things go when I became a mother, but you also are never taught how little time you have to do the overwhelming number of tasks that come with being a wife and mother. So, it all comes down to priorities, and it's comforting to know that those around me share the same sentiments when it comes to the number one priority in their lives, and that is quality time with our kiddos! The rest can wait another 6 years or so... :)

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