Sunday, November 25, 2012

My 30 days of Thankfulness

I haven't been doing this all month, but I personally I have been writing things down as they come to me. I have so much to be thankful for, and I love taking the time to sit down and really think about all that God has blessed me with. I am so undeserving and yet He has and continues to provide abundantly! I thought I'd share like everyone else, sorry its so long!

(These are in no particular order!)

1.Thankful I have such a nurturing sweet-hearted little girl, who makes sure her sister is covered every night, hugs on her and loves her throughout the day, protects her siblings when others are being mean, kisses them and comforts them when they are sad or hurt, and is always ready to pray whenever there is a need.  Her heart breaks when someone is hurting, she is a fairy tale dreaming little mama and I am so blessed to be her mother.

2.Thankful for a natural born super hero for a son. His heart is gentle and his spirit is sweet, he is always ready to fight the bad guys and his little brain wheels are always turning and pouring out creative energy and ideas. He loves to figure out how things work and like his Pop Pop, is a natural Mr. fix it. He is a Mama’s boy and I am so thankful for my first born little boy, and the fact that he is clearly going to carry on his daddy’s good looks. ;)

3.Thankful for my fireball 2 year old. He is hard headed, strong- willed and incredibly intelligent… God has big plans for that boy. J He is full of energy and always analyzing and processing the world around him. Though my independent little man, he is my sweet cuddle bug in secret. I love watching his beautiful personality unfold!

4.Thankful for my sweet little bitty princess. She is such a fun, energetic and sassy little lady. She is my mini me, attached to my hip and yet an independent diva. She knows what she wants and she makes sure she gets it. I love that she, like her big sister, is so friendly and social, always flashing that big beautiful smile to everyone she sees.

5. Thankful for my incredible husband! I could not have asked God for a more perfect man to stand by my side for the rest of my life, to lead my family, to train my children, and to provide for us. He loves the Lord and is passionate, intelligent, strong, determined and above all, he is ready and willing to serve His Father wherever and whatever He leads. I fall more and more in love with him every day, I am so blessed! 

6. Thankful for my freedom! I am so incredibly grateful we live in a country where I am not only free to believe as I want but also free to share my faith openly. A country that allows us to work where and how we want, to purchase what we want, and to live as independent individuals.

7. thankful for God’s provision! Every day we wake up to a warm (or cool) home, with an ample amount of clothes for every season, and our cabinets and fridge are stocked with more than enough food to take care of my sweet family. Even more so, we are spiritually provided for in abundance, with free access to God’s word and any number of church families to fellowship and grow with in the Lord. God is so good!

8.So thankful we live in a country where there is an overflow of literature to help us grow in our faith and expand our knowledge and understanding of who the Lord is and what He expects from us.

9. Thankful that I serve a God who can turn all things into good for those who love him. Only a merciful God could take a situation that deserved nothing but his wrath and punishment, and bring so much GOOD out of it! We may struggle and yes we are facing the tough consequences of our disobedience towards the Lord, but He has blessed us beyond measure despite our sin.  I am reminded daily just how loving and merciful our Father is, and how incredibly undeserving I am!

10. Thankful for my amazing parents! I have two of the most godly examples that I get to call my parents. They are the perfect example of how a marriage should look, and how Christ’s love should be shown to the world. They are always willing to help others and serve the Lord, no matter their situation. I would be lost without them and am beyond grateful that I get to call them Mom and Dad! J

11. Thankful for such incredible in-laws! Along with having my own parents be such awesome examples I married into another set of parents who demonstrate the Love of Christ towards each other and towards those around them continually. They are such amazing people and I love them  dearly! My children  have such amazing role models in their lives!

12. Thankful that I have always been able to find work that lets me stay home! I could not imagine having to leave my babies all day, and God has always provided a way to let me be home with them and still manage to help out financially. And now I am able to homeschool them and personally instill the Lord’s truth in them while I watch them grow and develop each day. SO SO blessed!

13. Thankful for my husband’s job!!! Thankful that though he started off working 60 hours a week he has progressively cut those hours down to 40 in the past 6 years. Thankful that where he used to have to work all holidays, he now HAS to stay home on all holidays. Thankful that he can now take time off without stressing about the loss of money. Thankful that though he is working less hours, he has now doubled his income in 6 years. Thankful that for 5 years now he has worked in such a godly environment, where it is the norm to have a relationship with the Lord, and where his co-workers and boss meet weekly for a time of devotion and worship with the Lord. God has provided abundantly in this area, and my sweet husband has patiently waited and worked so hard to get here!

14. Thankful for HEALTH! We are all strong and healthy and though this may be temporary, I am thankful that we can currently enjoy it!!

15. Thankful for a free college education for my husband and myself! OH what a blessing this has been and will be for our future bank account!

16. I never thought I’d say it, but I am thankful for Lynchburg! We really are our own little bubble from the rest of the world. It’s such a conservative environment and though the relationships with God may not all be authentic, He is the “norm” here.  People are pleasant and the morals are still in tact for the most part. I have met some of the most amazing friends here and am so grateful for the testimony they have been to me! I am thankful this is where we are currently raising our children.

17. Thankful for my sister! I love that we have grown so close over the years, she and my mom are my absolute best friends, and I know I can always count on her for anything! She is such a generous, loving, sweet big sister and amazing Aunt to my children, I am so lucky!! J

18. Thankful for my dishwasher!! I don’t care how silly this one may seem, if you saw how many dishes we went through on a daily basis, you would be thankful too!! LOL we have moved 5 times and I have only had a dishwasher in two of the houses…I realize just how thankful I am for it! LOL

19. Thankful for shout, magic erasers, and super glue! My kids live to destroy and these are the things that have salvaged some of those items along the way!

20. Thankful for COFFEE!!!! Oh where would I be without my coffee?? I not only need it but I thoroughly enjoy every cup! It has also been the source of many special “girl times” with my mom and sister, my friends, and now my little girl! Love me some coffee

21. Thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God’s incredible mercy and grace, my life would be absolutely meaningless and empty without Him!!!!

22. Thankful for a woman’s ability to multi-task! Oh my word, where would we be without it??

23. Thankful my children get to grow up with both sets of their grandparents nearby, that is something I wished I could have had and we are so blessed to have our families right down the road!

24. Thankful for the internet! I love that I can stay connected with family and friends that are far away, I love the ample amount of resources available right at the click of a mouse, and I LOVE LOVE that whenever I am stumped on a scripture, I can just type in the key words and immediately find what I am looking for.  It is a luxury I am truly thankful for!

25. Thankful for restoration for both my mother and my father in law’s health! Both have fought cancer and both have won the battle thanks to God’s mercy! I am so grateful we are able to have them here with us even longer!

26. Thankful for the invention of glasses and contacts, I am so blind, I cannot imagine trying to get through life without being able to see clearly!

27. Thankful for cameras! I love that we can capture such precious moments throughout our lives and be able to vividly look back on all the years gone by, especially now that I am a parent. 

28. Thankful for all the times we are able to get together with our families. Being able to celebrate holidays and special occasions with everyone we love right there is such an incredible blessing, and I am so glad my kids get to experience it!

29. Thankful for the ability to read! I would be lost if I could not soak up all the information that is out there for us to know! 

30. Thankful for each and every day we are blessed with here on earth! Every day is a precious gift, we are not promised tomorrow and I am so grateful for every minute I have to spend here with my sweet family living and serving the Lord! GOD IS GOOD! 

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