Monday, March 18, 2013

Raising Tiny Comedians

So tonight was full of so many hilarious moments I had to blog about it...

We started off with Kyleigh's sweet request to take us all out to dinner. Dave and I were in the middle of praising her for her selfless spending and of course D.J. was jealous. He then ran to get his wallet and started giving out a portion of his 96 cents, a coin for each of us. (keep that in mind for later) We go to dinner, Chinese per Kyleigh's request, and no more than 10 minutes after being there we hear these loud obnoxious ripples coming from the rear end of the littlest Freyre child. I'm talking LOUD and LONG farts, a good minute and a half''s worth. The table behind her just stared trying to figure out if that really just came from a baby, in which Hayden quickly assured them that it did by yelling out, "I POOP!! I POOP!!" I laughed and D.J. yelled out, "EWWWW don't touch her!! she STINKS!" About 10 minutes after that, Landon pops out of his chair, starts bouncing up and down and yells, "MAMA!! I GOTTA POOP!" I said to hang on until Daddy got back to the table, but he continued bouncing around his chair and grunting as if he was pinching that sucker in with every ounce of his little being, and then yells "I GOTTA GO POTTY!!! I GOTTA POOP!!!" (yes, all were staring at this point) So I just rush him to the bathroom hoping we don't end up with a nice mess on the way. After this, Landon eats his bowl of ice cream .. and about 5 minutes later, he some how manages to con daddy into getting him another without either of us realizing it...until it was too late. Two bowls of ice cream in a 3 year old, can you guess what state he was in afterwards? He was literally running up and down the restaurant, running across all three chairs and then jumping off, grabbing salt shakers off other tables,  and so on. All the while I am yelling out "Landon, stop that! Don't run, sit down!" Thankfully the restaurant was pretty empty at this point. We finally pile up in the car and head home. All of a sudden D.J. says, "Daddy... where's your quarter?" Dave says "In my pocket, why?" D.J.: "I want it back." (remember that money he gave out earlier? LOL) So Dave gives him his quarter and D.J. then turns to me, "Mommy, can I have your quarter back?" Me:" you gave me a penny, not a quarter...I see who the favorite is. Here you go." D.J.: "Um, no you keep it. I thought it was a quarter." hahaha nice son. We get home and everyone is tucked in so Kyleigh and I sit on the couch to read before bed. She is reading one of my devotionals (her choice) and she comes to a line that says, "throwing your body" of which she READS, "Th-r-o-w-i-n-g...throwing your wait, they were throwing their baby?!?!?" LOL I about died laughing. Needless to say, there were a lot of laughs tonight, and many more in between that I can't even remember at this point. Just thought it was a fun night to share! Until the next episode, goodnight all! :)

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