Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Taste of Life With 6

Ok ya'll, I am in need of some prayer over here! When we found out we were pregnant (which happened to be the last week of training for becoming Foster Parents :P) We had left it up to the director as to whether or not they wanted to place any kids in our home before the baby was born. We were up for whatever they chose, and about a month ago she suggested it was better that we don't have any placements until after the baby comes. I was a little disappointed, but then I realized God knows what I can handle, and the last few months of pregnancy are pretty rough... especially rough this time around so I am quickly discovering! At the same time however, she did ask if we would be willing to do something called "Respite" in the meantime. Respite is pretty much "babysitting" kids who already have foster parents, but the foster parents need to go out of town or something of the like. In this case, these parents needed us to watch their two boys for a week. When Dave and I decided to go forward with becoming foster parents, one of our stipulations was that we would not take teenagers, and our max age would have to be 6 so they were never older than our own kids. This was for several reasons. Obviously the safety of our kids is one of them. We don't know what these kids have been through, and it is much hard to monitor teenagers than it is small children. However, an even bigger reason was because our home, heck our life in general, is not set up for older children. Dave and I are still trying to figure out how the heck to parent small children, let alone trying to figure out the ways of a teenager! Not to mention we have no cable, the only game systems we own are a Super Nintendo and a Wii (which only has the Wii sports), we have one computer set up right next to the kitchen, and our only extra "room" is the play room. A teenager would go absolutely insane here! So each time we were asked if we would consider taking one, neither of us felt at peace about it. Until now. For some reason, when our director asked me this time if we could take these boys for a week, ages 9 and 15, my heart was immediately at peace about it. When I called Dave, it didn't take him long to admit he felt the same way. We knew God must be leading us to do this one, for whatever reason. So we agreed. And here we are, a month later, and these boys will be in my home as of tomorrow night...and I am freaking out! Not because of the number of children or feeling over whelmed, I'm freaking out because I feel like they are going to want to run out my front door in a matter of minutes! These boys are coming from a foster home with no other kids and I am sure many more luxuries of a typical 21st century home (we are archaic, I know).  I have played out every possible bad and good situation in my head, and now its just a matter of one of them coming to fruition. I truly believe that God has brought them here for this short time for a reason...whether it be big or small, our God is not a God of coincidence. So I ask you my sweet friends to please pray for us this week! Pray God works in and through us with these boys. Pray our home is filled to the roof with Christ's love and presence. Pray my kids (and myself!) don't drive these boys insane, but offer them that amazing comfort, FUN, and love everyone should find in "family".  And Pray for me! Pray that even though I am 7 months pregnant with a quickly shortening fuse, absolutely no energy or patience, and truly no clue how to be around teenagers anymore, that I will let God completely take over. Pray that in our short time with these boys,we may show them whatever it is God is trying to show them through us, or us through them! We may never see the reason(s) for it all this side of heaven, but we want to make sure we do not interfere with God's work regardless. Thank you all so much!!


  1. If God leads you to it, he'll see you through it.

  2. Prayers going your way though I know you don't need them. You're such a natural around children and PEOPLE in general. I don't know anyone who would come across you and your family and have any desire to turn away. Even if these kids get a little "bored", so be it! It's time people start interacting with each other again, rather than all the electronics, etc. that have taken over our lives (as I type this on my laptop with my iPhone and iPad sitting next to me and the TV on behind me, smh!). Best of luck and you'll do fantastic, all of you. So proud of you for letting go and just accepting God's will! oxoxo
