Friday, January 30, 2015


Hello my wonderful family and friends! So much has happened recently that my mind is still reeling, but in such a wonderful way. God has been patiently working on my heart for quite some time now in regards to overseas missions. When I first married Dave, I remember adamantly telling him that God did NOT lay it on my heart to travel overseas and I knew I was not “called” to do such work, though I supported those who did. Little did I know that God would spend the next 8 years tearing down those walls of resistance and stretch my heart and mind so far that I am now completely unrecognizable in comparison to that girl 8 years ago. If God were to call me to pack up my family and things and head overseas tomorrow, I would go in a heartbeat. My ache for the broken and destitute around the world is almost unbearable at times. This is especially true in regards to children. My heart’s desire is to spend my life serving and showering the broken of this world with the love, hope, and compassion of Christ. Even more so, I am fervently praying that this will be the yearning on my children’s hearts as well, wherever God may lead them. For years I have, quite impatiently at times, waited for God to open the doors for me to stand in the midst of these beautiful, sweet people, even if just for a short period. This past two weeks has been an incredible testimony to God’s faithfulness. After reading one of my (MANY ;) ) books, I finally decided to stop “waiting” for everything to appear perfectly in place, for this supposed “right” timing, and to simply just walk out in faith now, whatever that  might mean at this time in my life. Without going into too much detail, I stepped out in faith in regards to a mission’s trip to Haiti that my church was hosting. I never sincerely entertained the idea that I would actually be able to go. The deadline for applications was over a month ago, the team had already been prayed over and chosen, and the likelihood of them letting someone they have never met go seemed unrealistic. However, if there is one thing I have learned time and again, it’s that our God is not “realistic”. He is a God that makes the impossible possible. Within the course of a weekend, I emailed the church, interviewed with them, and received an email that I was going to Haiti. To say I was elated is an understatement.
I have to add that in the midst of all of this, I have been praying for God to present us with opportunities to serve Him and love those around us, and to keep our eyes open to those opportunities as well as our hearts willing to follow. Shortly after receiving an email from the church requesting an interview, I got a phone call from social services saying they had a little boy that needed someone to take him into care. We became foster parents over a year and a half ago and have not heard a word from DSS apart from a few respite care opportunities along the way. We live in the Bible belt where everyone and their mother is a foster parent, (which is INCREDIBLE and such a blessing, please do not get me wrong). I had pretty much put that desire on the back burner, expecting it to never really happen. God, in His crazy timing, has me accidently answer this phone call thinking it was the church. While I am talking to her and telling her we would absolutely take this little boy in, I get another incoming call, this time, actually from the church. I finish with the DSS worker and call the church back. I have one of the most uncomfortable conversations of my life, and hang up, not really sure what had just happened to me. That night we brought home a sweet boy to stay with us for a while, and the next morning I received the news that I was going to Haiti. I am just in awe of God’s willingness to let me be a part of the work He is doing in this world, even in the smallest of ways. To know that my God can work in and through someone as inadequate and broken as myself still leaves me in awe. I share all this to first and foremost ask that you all please lift myself and my family up in prayer during this time of incredible opportunity and transition with our new friend and with the upcoming trip to Haiti. Please pray that God will work not only in me, because I know I will leave there completely changed, but also that He may work through me. That I will be open to whatever He leads, that I may be the hands and feet of Christ to a lost and broken people. Pray for my whole team as we go and share the love and hope of Christ. I also ask that you pray for my amazing husband as he is staying behind with our crazy brood.  Pray for his patience, his sanity, and of course their safety. ;) I also ask that If God lays it on your heart, that you might consider supporting me financially on this journey. Like all trips, it requires a substantial amount of money to go. I am very limited on time because I was added a month later then everyone else, but I know our God, who is always faithful, will provide. The total amount is $1,850 and it is due by March 22nd. If anyone would be willing and able to support in any way, no matter the amount, it would be an incredible blessing to me! I can’t provide my address on here, but I would be happy to message it to anyone that is interested or you can send it to the address below (my church). I appreciate you all more than you will ever know, thank you for your prayers and support during this time and always!

Corinna (Cori)

Checks made payable to: BRCC 
**Corinna Freyre and 5561-1 in the memo line (That is VERY IMPORTANT in order for the money to be credited to the correct account.)
Checks can be mailed to:
attn: Shea Foster/Missions
2361 New London Road

Forest, VA 24551

If you would like your donation to be tax deductible, make sure you pay by check and not cash! Thank you all again SO much!! <3

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