Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The "Mom" Verse

This verse spoke right to my heart this morning. WHERE has it been the past 9 years?! Why on earth have I never paid any attention to it until now? I have read Isaiah several times, but for some reason this never stuck out to me until now yet somehow I missed this amazing source of encouragement:

“He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms, and carries them close to His heart; HE GENTLY LEADS THOSE THAT HAVE YOUNG.” – Isaiah 40:11

Recently, my study group and I have decided to practice the “SOAP” method of studying scripture that was taught at a conference our church held a few weeks back. S – Scripture, O – observation, A – Application, P – prayer. It has been AMAZING so far. I LOVE breaking apart each verse and discovering how other versions word it and what many of the words actually mean. It brings about so much more depth and meaning to God’s Word when we actually STUDY and MEDITATE on it.

This is what I came up with during my study of this particular verse today, I am just in awe of God’s love and care for His “flock”, and that He singled out us mama’s specifically to remind us that we are not in this alone. I love the New Living Translation’s version of the last sentence: “HE will gently lead the mother sheep with their young”.  If you work through the meaning of the words I pulled out, it is just beautiful. 

I don’t know the original intent of this verse, I am no theologian and I’m sure as heck not Isaiah or God, BUT, this is what the Sprit spoke to my heart through it. God has NOT left us mothers on our own. HE is literally carrying us, gently and lovingly guiding our steps as we navigate this terrifying role of motherhood. He is leading us, having already gone before us in advance, directing our course, guiding our way. He is “bearing the major portion of our responsibility”. While “holding us close to His heart” the ENTIRE time. He is “standing in readiness to prevent mischance”. And one of the most beautiful parts of all, He is gathering us mothers, TOGETHER, from all over, all walks of life, with all our differences and making us ONE with Him, as we move forward each day. Absolutely amazing. <3 I hope this encourages you fellow mamas out there as much as it did me. 

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