Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'm working through a book called "Created to be His Help Meet", and it has been such an eye opener! I grew up in a home where my mother took care of  all of my father's (and all of the kid's) needs. She cooked,cleaned, ironed, shopped, took care of the finances, etc, etc, but most of all, she was always loving and joyful despite her NUMEROUS obligations. She loved ( and still does) my Dad with all her heart, and as a result she willingly placed him at the head of the house and cared for his needs. When he came home, she created a haven for him to return to, a place he could relax. That is what I have tried to do for my husband. With three smal children it is VERY hard to have the house cleaned, dinner cooked and the kids calm when he comes home, but i have tried to make that happen since we have been married. These past few weeks have been a little rough though. My husband is coming home to late dinners, a messy house, cranky kids and an exhausted wife. He never complains, and in fact, he is always so supportive and willing to help. I love him for that :) however, the author of this book is right in the sense that he should not be coming home from working all day to more stress and chaos. It blows my mind how crazy life has become since the big switch in the role of women back in the 60's. WHy have we removed our men from their place as "king" in the home? Why on earth would we want to be equal with them? It is so much better to be protected, cared for, and led by our men! the more selfish this world becomes, the more we neglect the needs of our husbands (and children) and focus on ourselves. But we see the horrible effects that has on homes today. Look how high the divorce rate is? how many broken homes and crushed spirits we have. Children have gone wild. children are at an all time high with the behavioral problems, and its primarily because they are lacking the attention and love they need at home. Women are so eager to make their own way in the world, they neglect their roles as mothers and wives and as a result, their families are falling apart. I realize its hard for people to stay home anymore, and that is unfortunate but its life. THat doesnt mean we need to neglect our duties though. It just means we need to plan ahead better, something I really need to work on. If my husband is going to work hard all day, (and in his case, he goes the extra mile and works the maximum amount of overtime he is allowed to), so we are able to have a home, food, clothing, and live comforatbly. Then he deserves to come home and put his feet up and enjoy his family. Not come home to a frazzled wife and crazy kids, no dinner and a house that looks like its under construction. Believe me, I am extremely busy, with 5-6 kids a day until 5:30 in the evening, my time is short...and with my personality, I am independent, opinionated and extremely strong-willed so it is a struggle to submit myself under someone elses authority and needs, but it should be different for our husbands. We love them, and they love us. They take care of us and we should in turn take care of them.


  1. You're views are outdated and outnumbered. You are working to set back women 50 years, when women have worked so very hard to get where we are today and yet we still have a long way to go! Do you value you're right to vote, the education you were afforded, the right you're daughter will have to go to school and be able do what SHE wants with her life (that is if she is allowed to)?

  2. taking care of my husband does not mean i lose who I am and what I want.while i take care of him he takes care of me. My POINT is that people are too selfish anymore to put their spouses needs before their own, that goes both ways. Im speaking to women in this case, that doesnt mean men shouldnt also sacrifice for their wives and put their needs above their own too, you take care of eachother. Its not a "50's" mind-set, its how things have always been ( and still are in many countries), until the past 40 + years. Yes I love that we can vote and go to school, what i am saying has nothing to do with taking away a woman's rights. Its about loving our men, plain and simple. My daughter ( as well as my sons) will have every right to choose how they want to live, we arent Nazi's Alexis. we love our babies, and when they are old enough to decide, they will be free to do what they believe is right. my goal at this point is to love them and raise them the best that I can. and that means loving and respecting their daddy, their provider and head of house. I love my husband, he treats me like a queen ( for lack of a better word), and he loves me unconditionally. He values my opinions and my convictions, as I do his. its not like we are in a dictatorship. But biblically, "....the head of every man is Christ; and the head of every woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." 1 Corinth. 11:3, but the Word also says for wives to submit to their husbans and for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church ( laid his life down for them). so again, its not that I have no value or self-worth, but i have respect for who my husband is and the role he has in our home.
