Friday, August 27, 2010

Feeling Thankful

Nothing in particular going on in my head today ( crazy I know ;) ). I'm just feeling really relaxed for the first time in a LONG time. I think I have finally found a good rhythm with things as they are right now. Thats probably why things didnt work out with me taking a class this block, God knew I needed time to adjsut to the chaos I call life lol. However, we still have a million things to do to the house, Kyleigh starts soccer next week, and I will be taking a class in about 5 or 6 weeks... so when that all comes to fruition, I may not be so calm! over all though I am feeling pretty darn blessed.

to start off the way we did, pregnant at 19 and 20, married under "rough" circumstances, no college education.... and yet here we are, 4 years into it, more in love than ever, 3 kids in 3 years, a home of our own, I am able to stay home, my husband is making pretty darn good money for where we live and we both go to school for free. By the time we are 45, our kids will be fully grown and off to school ( hopefully lol), we will have our degrees, no debt, and still young enough to do whatever the heck we want and really enjoy it! What an amazing God we serve! Ovbiously, things may not work out as "smoothly" as we anticipate, but even still...we dont deserve ANY OF IT, and yet God in His awesome love has provided over and over again and blessed us beyond belief. thats not to say we havent had some pretty rough times, and we will most definitely have plenty more in the future, but even still...God has proven over and over again that He is good and faithful. :)

I've also been blessed with some pretty amazing friends the past two years. I really never thought I'd meet genuinely GOOD women, I never saw one growing up, thats for sure. (friends that is) and yet today I have a few ladies I can truly confide in and trust with anything, and I know they would be there for me at the drop of a hat. Oh where would we women be without our friends. Husbands try, but my friend said it perfectly the other day, "They try and listen, but they really just dont care" lol and its so true. They do the best they can, but its women who understand the importance of venting, and its women who know how to say just what you need to hear in each situation. Praise God for the awesome girls in my life, I am really blessed to have them! :)

My daughter and I still have our issues, but there has been a huge shift in our relationship. We are at a point now where we can get along, its a miracle LOL Shes such a mini me ( personality wise). It cracks me up to watch how she processes things, and how freakin smart that child is. Thats her problem, shes too smart and when something doesnt make sense in her world, she argues it until she is blue in the face. ( wonder where she gets that from :P )But lately we have been able to play together more and its enjoyable for a change. shes becoming such a little person, I love it! and the best part is she LOVES to play babies, which is what I ALWAYS did growing up...( imagine that ;) ). Shes trying to please mommy more, which just melts my heart. shes become so loving and affectionate the past year, Im soaking it up as much as I can, i know this part doesnt last long. Shes is my little helper! I do hope I can help her overcome her downfalls ( OUR downfalls, because she has the same temper, attitude, independence, and spite as her mother :) ) so she can avoid having to deal with them like I do later in life! but she has such a beautiful personality, and as she matures she is going to be such an amazing little woman. :) shes a full blown leader, so im excited to see where that takes her!

anways, I could go on and on, but thats enough for today! Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday! woot woot for the weekend ;)

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