Tuesday, October 12, 2010


 I was told a story a couple days ago about a woman my friend knows who chose to end the life inside her rather than give the baby up for adoption ( to a family that couldnt have children but desperately wanted them), because she didnt WANT to go through the pregnancy. A perfectly capable woman, not a child, not a rape victim ( for those of you who will try to argue) but a woman who felt her life was much better off without the burden of a child. On top of that, yesterday was National coming out day, and later in the day I was also informed that conservative women are "morons". You think Satan is trying to get me to erupt?? :) My first instinct is to argue each case, to get critical and debate. Why? Because I am very passionate about the subject of abortion, if there is one topic that can bring me close to losing my testimony and tearing someone a new one, its that, ending the life of a helpless child. The other topics are typical, and yes can definitely get my riled up, but I've learned that its worthless to debate these things because unless the Spirit is there convicting those people like He is the believer, than my words are bouncing right off. I read in James this week, "There is one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you--who are you to judge your neighbor?" (James 4:12) Talk about convicting. If someone doesnt know Christ, doesnt have the Spirit leading, how can I expect them to understand? I would be in the same place had God not came into my life. I believe what I do because I live by the Word of God, but thats not the case for everyone. And even as a Believer, I am still blind to things that I'm sure God views as sin. James also says, " But wisdom that comes from heaven is pure; then peace-loving, coniderate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." (James 3:17-18) That doesnt mean I wont state my case, I'm far too opinionated for that :) But to argue and debate until i'm blue in the face, thats not creating peace. Agreeing to disagree is probably the best route. The message version of 1 Corinthians 13 ( the love chapter) says love doesnt force itself on others and puts up with anything. So I suppose though they attack us, this is where we turn the other cheek and love in return :) Christ does this for me everyday, I am a FAR cry from the woman of God I need to be. I am nothing in light of my Maker. He puts up with my crap daily, doesnt argue, doesnt fight, but loves me unconditionally. He understands my limitations. So, this is where I should do the same. I am no wiser, no better than anyone else. I am simply redeemed. and Praise God for His mercy, because without it I may not be a "moron". :)

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