Friday, October 29, 2010


So as I have said, I am reading Josh McDowell's book "The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict." I am reading it for a few reasons. The main one however is so I can "be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks [me] a reason for the hope that is in [me]..." (1 Peter 3:15). I find it extremely aggrivating when someone tries to argue against Christianity and the existence of God when they have done absolutely no research or investigations of their own to support their theories. Though I have witnessed God's hand in my own life and the life of others far too many times to deny His existence, I want to make sure I am practicing what I preach, So here in lies my main reason for reading this book. Just reading the first chapter of the book makes me sit in complete amazement that people are actually capable of denying God's existence! Biology alone is evidence enough. If one thing were off in the "chemical elements of which all organic bodies are made", even by a fraction, we could never have existed. Even further, the distance between the Earth and the sun; "Only a certain kind of star with a planet just the right distance from the star would provide the necessary conditions for life." The probability of all this happening by chance is highly unlikely. This guy goes on and on with incredible points that feed my assurance of God's existence. People are so unwilling to accept that there is a God, that they refuse to even take the time to investigate their beliefs and validify them. Rather they choose what works best with what THEY want and go on about their lives. The scary thing with that is that all evidence points to God's existence, which means, even though people choose not to recognize it, the Truth of it is still there. So when our lives come to an end, the reality of eternity will also be there. The more I grow in my walk with the Lord, the more my sense of urgency for the lost grows. I have become more and more open and bold in my Faith, ( if you haven't noticed ;) ) because the severity in the consequences of a life without Christ are detrimental. We die without Christ, we live in Hell for eternity. Yet we Christians are so scared of offending, or too busy with our lives, or too caught up in the fluffy feel good side of Christianity that we neglect our whole purpose here on earth. We arent here to accept Christ into our hearts and keep it to ourselves, we are here to share Christ's love with everyone around us. Our  place in eternity is secure, but what about those we love? those we work with? heck, even those we don't particulary like? If they die tomorrow, have we shared the Truth of the Gospel with them? if not, then their blood is on our hands too. Paul wasnt timid about his faith, he was loud and direct, and by all means persistent. The man was beaten and in chains for teaching about Christ, and yet from his chains he ministered to those in prison with him and wrote letters to the cities he had helped lead to Christ. Jesus' brother James, who became a believer AFTER Christ's death, was thrown from the temple to his death for teaching about Jesus, and yet upon his fall, he managed to get up on his knees and pray for those that had thrown him! Then he was stoned to death by the very people he prayed for. Makes for a serious call to action as we sit in our warm comfy houses enjoying the incredible gift of life by ourselves now doesnt it? let me tell you, I sure feel lousy, and I pray God helps light a fire under my butt to share His Truth, His love, because I'm not promised tomorrow either.

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