Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I read this today in my devotion time and thought it was just awesome, so i wanted to share it! :)

Living By Vision: (By Charles Swindoll)

Vision: the ability to see God's presence, power, and plan in spite of obstacles.The alphabet of vision consists of attitude, belief, capacity, determination, and enthusiasm.

* Attitude - When you have vision, your attitude is positive rather than negative, optimistic rather than pessimistic.

*Belief - "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) When you have vision, you have assurance and confidence- not only in God, but in others and in yourself.

*Capacity - When you have vision, you demonstrate a willing capacity to be stretched, to do greater things than you ever dreamed you were capable of, to be a bigger person than you ever thought you could be.

*Determination - When you have vision, you develop the determination to stay at it and hold a constant focus on God, who is watching you and smiling with love at your efforts.

*Enthusiasm - When you have vision, you have the enthusiastic perspective that God is in your corner, fighting for you, not against you.

Theres a story perhaps familiar to you that illustrates succinctly what vision looks like:

An American, visiting in France, came upon a scene where a large church was being erected. He approached three stone masons, one after the other.Of each he asked this question: "What are you doing?" the first replied, "Im cutting stone." The second said, "Im cutting stone for 7 francs a day." The third responded, "I'm helping to build a great cathedral."

Can you see cathedrals in the challenges God has set before you - or just a lot of rough stones? Faith sees the cathedrals; sight sees only the stones.

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