Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Letter to My Mom

To My Amazing Mother and Friend,
Where do I begin? Over the years I have expressed to you in small detail just how much I appreciate, admire, and adore you. I don’t think there will ever be a way I can fully express my feelings but I am going to try my best!
You have been my rock from day one. You were always compassionate, caring, and patient no matter the circumstance. When I was little, you were there to encourage me when I was hurt and kiss my cuts and bruises. (You were always patient with my blood curdling screaming over the sight of blood…something  I am now IMPATIENTLY  experiencing with my own daughter! J ) When my friends would leave me alone at the playground, make fun of the way I looked, or make me feel insecure, you were always there. When I was in my awkward tween years figuring out who I was, trying to find my place socially, and entering the intimidating world of middle school, you were always there. When I went to high school and faced the hardest years of my life thus far, with the peer pressure, the cattiness, the heartbreak, and the failures, you were always there. You have been there every step of the way, encouraging me, reminding me that I am “Fearfully and wonderfully made”, and showing me unconditional love in a very conditional world. No matter what I faced outside of my home, I knew I had love and security as soon as I returned. You and Daddy provided such a strong foundation for all of us, and as I have grown up I realize just how incredibly blessed we were to have that.
When I made mistakes you never judged, got upset, or made me feel ashamed. You opened your arms and ears and allowed for my inadequacies and poor choices, offering encouragement and a fountain of wisdom over the years that was key to keeping me afloat when I would have otherwise “gone under” and followed the world. To this day, you are my one friend that I can always turn to and share my hurts, frustrations, and joys with. I know I probably annoy you most days, but you never turn down a phone call from me, never act too busy to hear me even in the simplest of complaints. You are honest with me, even when it hurts, and because of you I continue to mature and grow as an adult and even more so in my faith.
You have always modeled such an incredible example of love, selflessness, patience, strength and courage. I have never seen someone endure so many heart aches and yet still remain so faithful and sacrificial towards those around her. Even at your weakest points, while enduring two bouts with cancer, feeling constantly sick, exhausted, and undoubtedly discouraged… you never let it show. You stayed strong and put all of us first, taking care of our needs over your own.  To this day I wish God would have allowed all of that to happen when I was older so I could have been more aware of what you were going through and less selfish about my own needs. When most would have given up, you instead turned back to God and allowed Him to use you in mighty ways with those around you. He is still continuing to use you. Like Paul, He just doesn’t seem to want to remove that “thorn “ in your side, and even though I know there are many days you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and discouraged, you STILL focus on the needs of those around you over yourself. You choose to listen rather than talk (even when you should!), you choose to serve even when the pain is unbearable, you choose to show joy even when the king of this world gives you every reason to give up. You my amazing mother, are the best example I have ever known of what it means to follow Christ, to die to self, and to live a life of love in obedience to our Awesome God.
When I think of whom I want to be for my kids, I strive to be like you. If I can be even half the mother (and wife) you have been to us, I will be satisfied. I pray I model the same faithfulness, strength and virtue that you have shown us our entire lives. You are an incredible wife, mother, sister and friend. Now that I am old enough, and now that I know you OH so well, I pray God can use me to encourage you, support you, and lift you up like you have done for me over the past 27 years. It’s my turn to serve you Mama, and whether you like it or not, you will let me. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. Thank you for modeling such an incredible example and never giving up on any of us! You are not only my mother, but my best friend and sister in Christ, and I know I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. I hope you know how much I love you!! Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing mother a girl could as for! I love you!!!


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