Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Its one of those weeks

Ok, so its Wednesday hump day, and thank goodness! This week started off rough and hasn't seemed to ease up yet! Today is no exception...My hubby accidently turned the alarm off so we woke up about 20 minutes before he had to leave. I went to shut Kyleigh's door and she woke up and came right out. She literally followed me wherever i went...kind of annoying at 6:30 in the morning without any coffee in your system. :P then she argued with me about putting Dave's food in his lunch box because SHE wanted to do it. once we got Dave off, D.J. woke up... I attempted to sit down and do my devotions despite the two of them being up. They both saw me sit down to read and immediately went to grab their books and markers to color with me. Cute, right? that's what I thought too, but as soon as their little butts hit the bench they were fighting...loudly. Then Kyleigh started an attempt to drown out her brother who was making annoying sounds.....loudly. After my calmly asking them to be quiet about 7 times, i sent them out of the kitchen so i could finish, considering i had read the same line about 20 times at this point. Then D.J. demands, "MOM! I WANT MY BREAKFAST!" Did that just make you wince? yeah, not ok in my book either! I said, " Buddy, you need to ask me nicely, and i will get it for you in 5 minutes." What does he do? starts throwing a fit by grunting, then gets louder and throws an all out fit on the ground because I'm not responding. I continue to ignore him, and he  just keeps at it for another 5 minutes. all of a sudden, he stops and sits down in front of me quietly...ahhh, love when that works. ;) Then they start fighting again, and Hayden wakes up to eat. Ok, so much for devotions this morning! Randomly, Kyleigh says, "Mommy, I'm going to do something nice for you." Really?? My kids must be bi-polar lol So she goes and grabs the step ladder and begins emptying the dishwasher... love it :) But of course, the peace lasts for about 5 minutes, then they are fighting again, and Kyleigh hits D.J. with the towel, and lo and behold you would have thought she just drove a knife through him! That was it, they were separated and told to stay away from each other until I gave the go-ahead. So here i am, writing my morning events, and its only 8:00... Jonas just arrived and the kids are all three downstairs playing, nicely for the time being. I am going to attempt to clean up the kitchen, make breakfast, and head off to fix my orange hair... ( yes, this week has been rough as I said ;) ) Quick prayer for patience and endurance, and I'm off! have a wonderful day everyone, and be sure to use birth control!


  1. I love the last line! :) You are too funny! Can't wait to see your hair!!! :)
