Friday, November 18, 2011

You're not Alone

Ever wonder if its just your kids that are nuts? Or why no one else seems to be dealing with the same craziness as you throughout the day?? I felt this way for a long time...I would write my posts on facebook, but never really saw anyone else share the same ventures. Or when I'm out, and other mothers appear offended by my children, or in a store and my kids are the ones crying and running down the aisles..."Am i really the only one that deals with this?? is there something wrong with me??" But after a while I soon discovered ( through observation) that no, I am most certainly not alone, but for some reason no one ever feels they can share their experiences with the world. If you know me well enough, you know I'm an open book. I really don't feel there is a whole lot that needs to be kept hidden. Life's too short, and people want honesty and raw reality. So what you see is what you get. I post my things on facebook as a means of venting ( so i dont explode (or cry), and to provide entertainment of course, but also just to show others that hey, you are not alone, my kids  are off the wall too...and this is with me TRYING.  Women act like the church does most of the time, where we are all too scared to be honest about how we are feeling, or whats going on in our lives because we don't want anyone to make judgments about us. But I have a secret for you....NO ONE is perfect, we all make mistakes, we all have problems, we all struggle to work through this or that, ITS NORMAL. Actually....there's this great guy named Jesus Christ who died for that very reason! amazing isnt it?? :) I hear so many of my friends apologize for sharing their feelings, or as they put it "complaining", every time they express their struggles, or when they are having a bad day. If you can't feel comfortable enough to do that with your friends, who can you do it with?? Who cares what people think! quite honestly, most people will love the fact that you are real, who knows whose heart you are touching by just letting them know you have problems too... that we dont have it all together after all! What a relief to know we can just be ourselves... tired, frustrated and in need of some serious support when it comes to being a wife and mother, and juggling the many many roles we have. Its hard work, and that's ok! Yes, my kids drive me absolutely CRAZY most days, and many times i genuinely just don't like them very much, but they are the joy of my heart and i would be lost without them. I think most mothers feel this way, but cant bring themselves to say it out loud. Well, for those of you that do hesitate, im letting you know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! :) God is faithful and He will get us all through it, we just need to continue seeking His will, strength, and wisdom and we will be just fine. My heart and prayers go out to all you wonderful ladies, know that I sympathize! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing this! I can definitely relate! I blog and fb about my crazy ride of motherhood too. :)
