Thursday, November 17, 2011


Something we aren't properly prepared to endure during parenthood is the EXCESSIVE repetitiveness that occurs on a day to day basis. Kid's are very routine and also have one track minds. If they make a request, and you don't immediately answer it, it will be asked over and over and over and over until its met. "Mom, can i have a snack?" "I'll let you know when its time." 2 minutes later "Mom, can I have a snack?" or "Mom, can I play with the puppies?" "when they are done eating, honey." 2 minutes later "Mom, can I play with the puppies?" You get my drift? That would drive anyone up the wall, but imagine having 3 of them doing it to As I am writing this, D.J. just came in the room and asks for me to get his cars from the living getting up out of my chair and walking to the living room wasn't enough to show i was getting them apparently, so he managed to repeat the question another 6 times before i said "I AM!" The repetitiveness is not just centered on questions, but also in the things they do throughout the day. I can guarantee my kids will wake up every morning with Kyleigh wanting a movie on, D.J. immediately asking for breakfast, and Landon screaming his head off. when breakfast is over, a snack will immediately be asked for, of which i will say for the millionth time, "its not snack time yet." I will hear that question another 5 times before it really is snack time. Then snack time will come, and Kyleigh will ask for her usual cucumbers and ranch, D.J. for his pudding, and Landon will stand at the gate, attempting to shake it down, and walk into the kitchen, pointing and whining towards the cabinet with the lollipops.  I could go on and on, but i promise you, it is the same routine every day.  This honestly would be an amazing thing, if they would just repeat the good things! Lol If i didn't have to repeat the same "no" answers, which they already know, but hey... i suppose any routine is better than nothing. I just find it fascinating. even at a young age, heck, as young as Hayden, they develop a consistent routine automatically, and its almost impossible to break, at least not without it being a huge ordeal. I definitely wasn't expecting that when I became a parent, and being the youngest of four siblings, I'm not used to the annoyances of little people all day long, I guess this is my payback for my brothers and sister? :) ahhhh kids... the most annoying yet lovable creatures in God's creation lol

1 comment:

  1. TRUE! Every. Single. Morning. Caedmon asks for candy as soon as he wakes up. I've never once said yes to this request...yet he asks...which is then followed by "why?" then some crying. :) At least we know what to expect! :)
