Monday, November 28, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday.

HELLO MONDAY!! you have yet to fail at being the worst day of the week! :P We did have a nice break, but come Saturday Kyleigh came down with a bug, Landon has been OVERLY cranky and moody, and Hayden has upped her eating schedule to ever 2 1/2 hours for the past two weeks so i started of my week a little irritable. But i did try and get up this morning at 5:40 to do my devotions, the only way i keep my sanity during the week, and of course my boys also decided it was time to get up,and the dogs had once again peed in the house. Cici also decided she was going to give me attitude today and refuse to go outside. That all should have been a sign for the day! today wasnt even a matter of the moods, well, despite Landon's. It was just non-stop.
          I made an appointment this morning to take Landon in to check out an infection on his foot, and once i got home from that it was all down hill. Landon came in screaming from outside, but being Landon, he cries hysterically if his cup falls, so i never really think anything of it. I picked him up and sat him in his highchair for lunch. 5 minutes later, i realize his eye is swollen and there is a nice cut above his about feeling guilty :P this is why kids shouldnt "cry wolf", then mommy never knows when its legit! Then I went to put all the kids to bed, and hear a bang in one of the rooms, followed by a screaming Hayden...yep, my daughter decided to roll for the first time today, and it was off of my bed. Before you judge, i have had four kids, i KNOW this happens even if they arent rolling, so i did plan ahead and put her closer to the middle of the bed, i still have no idea how she managed to roll all the way off, but regardless, the guilt is still there! she now has a nice bruise on her forehead and i feel like i should win the worst mother award for the day! im also scared to go out into public with them because at the moment it looks like i beat my children. :P Since then, ive had a bottle of seasoned salt spill all over the counter, my lysol bottle lid was unscrewed ( one guess on who did that) so when i went to pick it up it spilled all over the floor, and Landon ripped three of the leaves on our "Thanksgiving tree" ( where everyone wrote what they were thankful for) completely to shreds. while cleaning up the lysol i started laughing, and Kyleigh asked "Mommy, why are you laughing?" I said "So i dont cry!" lol Oh Lord, only You know why we have days like this...if its to test our patience, please help me pass the test soon so i can avoid these days! If its something else, please give me money to load up on Starbucks!! :D sigh, tomorrow is another day... On the upside, i have 4 healthy babies with LOTS of energy that never leave me bored or without excitement in my day! :) Hope everyone has a wonderful night!

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