Thursday, April 5, 2012

And so it continued...

So, the day did in fact NOT get better after naps yesterday. When the kids woke up, Landon and Hayden were so grumpy I decided to just skip the gym and let the kids stay home and play outside. After dinner, I started the kid's baths, and while grabbing a towel I noticed there was more of the green goo from earlier on the closet floor. Thinking I missed a spot, I wiped it up again and continued on with baths. Landon was second to be bathed, and his big sister joined him midway through. As I was taking Landon out of the tub to dry off, Kyleigh yells, "EW, someone farted!! ugh, it stinks! who farted?!" and she just continued to repeat herself for a few minutes as I got Landon dressed. When I came back to the bathroom to get Kyleigh out, D.J. says, "There's poop in the bathtub!" Sure enough, Kyleigh and I look over and the water is a new shade of green and there are chunks of....well you know, floating around. Landon had left Kyleigh a nice present before he got out of the tub, hence the "fart" smell from earlier. All I can say is...EW. I snatched Kyleigh out of the tub and had her wait to be bathed all over again. Dave said he would clean the tub, but of course my squeamish hubby came in and says ,"I've got it, I've....<insert gagging sound>" covers his mouth, and leaves the room. So I clean up bodily fluids once again, because what would my life be like if I didn't have to do that at least twice a week. ;) I re-bathe Kyleigh, then D.J. and send them off to watch their movie from the library before bed. But, I noticed when I grabbed another towel, that green goo was back again. After further "investigation", I discovered that it was not from the tiny little bottle of shampoo I had originally assumed, but an entire bottle of dog shampoo had spilled all over the shelf above the floor and was still leaking through. There was green shampoo all over everything on the shelf. Grrr.... that explains why it was such a weird smell, at least now I know the shampoo from the hotel was not that crappy after all! LOL

Well, we got everyone in bed and the rest of the night went smoothly. This morning started off a little better, minus the fact that Landon was walking around the house before 6:00. I anticipated seeing him come into the room with a kitchen knife or some scissors one of us forgot to put away or to find more markings all over the house from a pen or marker left on the counter. But when I finally rolled out of bed, I walk out of my room and find Landon sitting in his bed with a bowl of animal crackers he had helped himself to. I was in shock, I'll take it! If that's all he got into and he didn't just take the bag but put them in a bowl, that's a good morning for Landon! LOL Of course after that, as i was making Dave's breakfast and lunch, Landon was going a mile a minute, he didn't stop "talking" for the entire 20 minutes it took for me to get the food ready. He was acting like he was on speed, he kept handing me things and walking around in circles trying to find something else to hand me, talking the entire time. It was actually pretty funny....though I'm wondering if he got into something else before the animal crackers that made him so "awake". LOL I took a picture to capture the moment, though I found him in his bedroom, not the living room. :)

Now, the kids are all watching Blue's Clues and I am going to get in my devotions and prepare for the day. I think its a park day, get everyone outside and away from the house for a bit. Not to mention, its Jonas' last day here, and I'm really having a hard time with that. :( It's definitely going to be an emotional day. With that said, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Two days to the weekend, woot woot!

Oh yeah! I also walked downstairs after nap time yesterday to discover this:

Needless to say, we spent a good half hour cleaning the playroom last night... how on earth do kids play and create THAT?! I would go NUTS! at least its in the basement where no one else can see it LOL


  1. Wow those are some interesting events! I really hope I do fine with all those things in the future... Especially considering we want about the same amount of kids, and not too spread apart either. Is it too brave of me to think I can do all that and also cloth diaper? I hope that works out because I know it'll save lots of money, but we'll see I guess. :)

  2. LOL aww you will do great! Gosh, if I can do it, anyone can!! haha and the cloth diapers may be tough at first but I am sure once you get used to them it will be nothing!! I've heard nothing but positive feedback about them :)
