Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Library...

What a morning! Landon has been NON-STOP since the moment he woke up. Into everything, disobeying, throwing tantrums (and household items like the scale). It was a risk to take the kids to the library this morning, but there was no way we were staying home with the way things were going. So, off we went to story time. Landon actually did REALLY well while the big kids were in story time. We played puzzles, looked at books and played on the computer...we looked like such a loving pair (haha). However, once the kids were let out, the three big kids sit at the computers to play games and Landon was off. I tried to coax him to come with me to pick out a movie, which he did. He got his movie and proceeded to toss several more from the shelf onto the ground, or place them in a completely different section. Then he had a 10 minute obsession with trying to get into the bathroom with his brother and Jonas. After that he made his way to the books and continued his toss and scatter game. I tried to round up the kids as we headed to check out our books, all the while losing Landon every few seconds. We make it to the desk and I turn to find Landon pressing the handicap button on the door and leaving the library. Once I retrieved my wandering monster, I finally gave the lady my library card and hear in return, "Ok, you have a $12 fine". Um, what? I brought the books back two weeks early, where the heck is the fine coming from? When I ask her she replies, " there was green marker throughout three of the books... we actually had to charge you completely for the first one, but you get to take it home with you." Are you kidding me? When did this happen?! Sure enough, she brings me one of the books, and there it highlighter, all over miss Fancy Nancy.

So now we are the proud owners of Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes...actually I am based on the label. Of course, I paid the dues...after all, I have been stressing that Landon learns only to color on PAPER...he didn't technically disobey. :P As I'm paying for the books, I hear another librarian scold my kids for running around. I didn't even say a thing, they will listen better to her anyways. So, we finally leave...praise God. After finally arriving at the house, the kids head to the backyard while I go in and start lunch.

I walk into the bathroom at one point, and notice the same smell from last night was still really strong in the bathroom. It smelled like some type of cleaner or something, which I had assumed Dave used in there after cutting his hair. But no, of course it couldn't be something that simple, not in this house. ;) I look in the closet and find green goo all over the floor, toilet paper and some clothes that were in there. Someone had managed to get ahold of a tiny little bottle of shampoo and make a masterpiece. They could have at least picked something that smelled better, that stuff STUNK.

Lunch was distributed, and the kids are now napping...well, all but my boys because day three of Landon in his big boy bed is still proving to be a pain in the rear. I have been in there about 6 times since I started writing this blog. The last of which I walked in to find Landon had removed a poopy diaper, and had poop all over his chest, legs, butt, feet and hands as well as D.J.'s sheets. There is just no end with that child. I truly believe I am being punished for something, I have to be. That or God thinks my patience is in need of some serious work. So, now that I made it through the morning, I am going to finish up my lunch and start to clean this house, for the 50th time this week. At least its therapeutic...mindless effort while working in silence, I'm ok with that. I was going to skip the gym today, but I believe I will need it. LOL Praying for a good afternoon, and realizing my devotion on being thankful for God's many blessings in my life was without a doubt given to me this morning so I could focus on the greatness of God in the midst of all this chaos. :) I am thankful for healthy kids who daily remind me what an amazing sense of humor our Father well as the incredible patience He shows us daily!! Have a wonderful day everyone! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! What a crazy day. I think I would stick my head out the window and scream. But then of course, what would the neighbors think? Hang in there, Corinna!
