Monday, April 2, 2012

Transitions - cribs, careers, and more

If I NEVER have to put together or dis-assemble another crib again I will be ecstatic! We have had to do both 13 times since we have been married...13 TIMES!! I always leave the seen with my nerves shot and my head pounding. Hence why the last section of the crib is sitting in my living room waiting to be dis-assmbled...I refuse to do it right now because I may throw it threw the window. Whoever designed those things needs a good kick in the rear...that or I need to hire someone to do it next time. :P

Now that Landon is officially in his big boy bed, I have already been in his room for disciplinary reasons about 7 times since I put him down for nap time today, and I am currently listening to him jump on his new bed. It's going to be a fun adjustment period...

Despite that, we are having an awesome time with the behavior chart! the kids are on their third day of no time-out or spankings, they REALLY want those toys LOL I'm trying to teach them that their reasoning to behave should be to please God and show His love to others, but you know...that will come in time. For now, the behavior is under control and the mood in the house has been MUCH more peaceful, praise the Lord!

However, once again, as things are starting to run smoothly, something has come up to create a change in the Freyre household. No, we are not pregnant, surprisingly this time it is actually the "loss" of a child...I was informed today this will be Jonas Ba-bonas' last week with us. We have all really grown attached to him so this is going to be a tough one for us! :( I will be watching my best friends little one come October, so I need to find something to fill the time in between...and I am leaning towards trying to pick up a part-time job (If I can talk my hubby into it). I haven't worked in over 4 years so it should be interesting but I am actually pretty excited about it...not the best case scenario but we can still make it work. :)

I always thought the 20's were going to be a fun time in life, but I have heard on several occasions that they are looked back on as some of the hardest years, and I truly believe that is what we will end up doing. I look forward to the years where we are more established and past the "pushing through" stage, when school is finished and the official career begins. I am thankful for the many ways God has blessed us so far, and I know we have grown so much because of the different struggles we have faced. God will continue to provide the strength and perseverance needed to get through these years, that I am sure of! So for now, let the new transition begin! :)

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