Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another nightmare day....

Yesterday was one of those days you have nightmares about... It was the first day after Dave's surgery, and we had it all planned out to make it as smooth as possible. My mom came and took my three big kids to the splash park for a few hours in the morning and Gabriel napped for most of the morning as well. It was just Hayden. I thought it was going to be a good day based on how smooth the first half went, and once I got everyone settled at nap time, I attempted to tackle my homework for the week. I wrote one sentence in my notes and a baby started screaming. While trying to get her to go to sleep, I heard Landon and Maxwell in the bedroom jumping around and laughing...not sleeping. I spent a good half hour trying to get everyone to go to sleep, only to accept defeat in the end and just let them all stay up. All the big kids went down stairs to play, and I sat down again to try and do some homework. The baby was so overtired that she just wanted to be held, nothing else would work. So as I pick her up and try to head down stairs, I hear Dave start hollering in the bedroom. I go in and he is buckled over in pain. He was having severe discomfort in his shoulder from being in the same position for over 24 hours. His muscles were tight and sore and he was unable to find relief because he isn't allowed to move his arm. It was so bad I called the nurse to ask for advice...meanwhile, I had Kyleigh in the living room playing with Ella until I could get Dave's pain under control. While waiting for the nurse to call back, D.J, walked in the room and said, "Mom, someone did something REAL bad, they used too much toilet paper and the toilet over flowed." I walk into the bathroom to find the whole floor covered in water. It even managed to soak part of the basement through an opening in the bathroom closet. So I start to clean that up, during which Ella starts screaming again and the nurse finally calls me back. I am holding Ella and trying to talk to the nurse to get information, while Dave is literally rolling in the bed trying to find a position that left him some what relieved. This whole scene played out for a good hour, between trying to help Dave, the baby crying and we called the nurse twice. He FINALLY got comfortable, and was so exhausted from all the pain that he fell asleep. PRAISE THE LORD.

Through all of it, I have to brag on Kyleigh, she was AMAZING all day. She was always going in and checking on her daddy, asking him what he needed, keeping his drink filled and helping him with his arm exercises. She kept asking me how she could help as well, and did in so many ways! She helped with the babies all day, she dried and put away the dishes, and she and D.J. cleaned the entire play room. Whenever things got crazy, she was right there seeking a way to lessen the load. When it got close to bed time, Hayden pooped...and it was a nasty one might I add...and without even having to ask, Kyleigh let me know and then took Hayden into the bedroom to change her diaper. What 6 year old is willing to change a poopy diaper, let alone that bad of one? However, Hayden wouldn't let her and ended up getting it all over her legs and Kyleigh's sheets. So while I cleaned Hayden up, Kyleigh got wipes and started cleaning off the bed. Again, AMAZED. We were coming close to bed time and I was SO ready. I discovered then that Kyleigh's tooth brush had been on the floor when the bathroom flooded, so I went to boil it. I stuck a coffee mug full of water in the microwave to boil it. This is when the "icing on the cake" moment happened....

Apparently, when I stepped out of the room, the microwave went off and Kyleigh, trying to help, took the cup out. She must have put it close to the edge of the counter because next thing I know, I hear Hayden screaming bloody murder...and I mean it, BLOODY murder, from the kitchen. I run in the room and all I see is her back and she is bent over in pain screaming. I was sure she managed to get a knife or something and stabbed herself from the way she was screaming. But then I noticed the floor, where the coffee mug laid in a pool of water, and my brain put the pieces together. I ran to her and start to strip her clothes off and wipe her down, she was screaming the whole time. Her whole body was red and hot. I suddenly noticed one small burn on her belly, then looked up to see a really bad on on her shoulder with blisters. There were red streaks all down her chest, and her mouth was red as well, (I think she attempted to take a sip, realized it was hot and dropped it). Kyleigh ran to her room crying hysterically because she felt so bad for taking the cup out... I felt horrible for her, and obviously stressed that it wasn't her fault! Hayden and I spent the next hour cuddling in the bed with a cold wet cloth on her wounds. (It looked so much worse in person... it was hard not to get sick! :( )
I sought advice as to whether or not we should take her in or treat it ourselves, and was told to put Vaseline on it, of which I did. She went to sleep a little while after that and we laid down to watch T.V. Then I checked my Facebook about an hour later to find that others were going against the Vaseline idea. I looked it up and every site said NOT to use it, that it trapped the heat. I immediately went in and woke her up to unwrap the burn and clean off the Vaseline, of which I discovered two more blisters had formed as a result. It was then almost 11:00 and everyone I asked suggested we take her in, including the Anthem nurse. But Hayden was fast asleep and I felt horrible about making her spend the night at the E.R.... so with much reserve, I chose to wait until today. It turned out to be a good decision, thank the Lord. However, I spent the night setting my alarm to wake me up every two hours to check on her and make sure it wasn't getting worse.... I did not sleep well to say the least. (Here are my two wounded babies :) )

Today is going much smoother, thank goodness! My mom took my big kids to her house, I took Hayden to the doctor, and Dave is feeling MUCH better. I deem yesterday one of my top days from Hell. I haven't had one in a while, so I guess I was due, but the mental image of my little girl screaming from burns will forever haunt me. On the upside, I feel no guilt in making today a Starbucks day and will attempt to tackle the three homework assignments I have due this week despite the chaos that is my house right now! Thank goodness I have a God that loves me like He does, because without Him, I would have laid out in my drive way and let the van roll right over me....juuuust kidding... maybe... ;) Adios for now, praying I don't have another story to tell for a while! (here's my big girl, all bandaged up and feeling much better!)

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