Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Step one - Preparing

Well the first night of training went really well. She, (the lady in charge), gave countless examples of different situations her foster parents have been faced with, which for the most part put me even more at ease with everything. The next obstacle we are facing is the immediate financial strain preparing for this will put on us. We need a bigger van, and when I say bigger, I mean like a 8 to 10 passenger. Can you imagine me driving around in one of those? I can barely park my van now should be interesting. But with the daycare kiddos, my kiddos, AND foster children.... a bigger van is necessary. Apart from that, there are things that need to be done around the house in preparation, first thing being a new set of beds for our boys. Ah money, it is such a pain in my rear. :P It's all pretty exciting though! The kids are just as excited, if not more. They are thrilled to be able to help other kids. It's beautiful to see their hearts so willing to serve and open up our home to more kids, that's not always the case. :) I guess it helps that they have grown up in a home where there are ALWAYS extra kids! I really believe God allowed for me to grow in patience and endurance over the past 6 years with babysitting and motherhood, preparing me for the day we were able to do this. (among other reasons!) We were the only couple there that already had kids... 4 at that. They must think we are nuts LOL It was neat hearing the stories she had though, there were several other foster parents that had at least 4 children of their own before they started fostering, there was even one couple with 7 kids of their own! (they are also driving around in a HUGE van!)

The first story she shared with us was one of a little 11 month old baby girl, who through the poor lifestyle choices of her mother, suffered from an amputated leg, blindness, and from the looks of it, possibly MR. They are currently looking for a home for her, and let me tell you, I wished so badly we were done training so we could take her! They said when she was born that she wouldn't live, but that little fighter is proving them wrong. I know with the love of a family and the healing hands of God, she can thrive and grow just like anyone else. I am praying they find her a great home! 

Anyways, not a whole lot to say except that we are PATIENTLY waiting for God to bring everything into fruition, in His perfect timing. I know He will provide us with just what we need when we need it. Until then, they gave us a huge book to study, you know, in our spare time. ;) Maybe I will learn some good parenting tactics through it all even for my own kids! But for today, I have 5 crazy kids in my house right now and its time to go figure out what we are gonna do with our day! Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!! :) 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Phil. 4:6-7

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